Stephen Farber
“…. It is the most ravishing display of emotional fireworks you are likely to see on screen this year. "The Turning Point" has its flaws--some overwritten scenes and lapses into staginess and sentimentality--but they are those of heady excess and are easily forgiven….
“As the prima ballerina who … is now being eased into semi-retirement, Anne Bancroft looks ravishingly taut. In some striking way she defies, in her person, the laws of aging to which her character must defer. But even within the story's framework, she is allowed to edge toward retirement with dignity, and without even a whiff of a hint that she made the wrong choice or violated a sacrosanct biological destiny. For once--and this is what makes The Turning Point a turning point in women's films--career is rated higher than happily married life. The old soap-opera philosophy … is scuttled, gracefully and summarily, in the more complex view that no one choice, no life decision, will put an end to insomniac doubts….
“…. For many years, a fair number of people have been longing for more of those Bette Davis-Miriam Hopkins movies….